
Thought of the Day

"No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow."

We are not promised tomorrow; we have to live in the moment. I have experienced the death of loved ones and I know it's not an easy thing to go through. The days and nights you spend thinking about them. Then there are the times where we may think about someone we don't have a good relationship with and we wonder what would happen if they were to die today. How would you handle it? What would you do? With each day you are given love harder, spend more time with your family, call that loved one that lives out of town, let anger go faster, and be a peace maker.


Thought of the Day

" He who fears he will suffer, already suffers because of his fear."
--Michel de Montaigne

Fear is just



Thought of the Day

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." --Thomas Edison

So many times we want something so bad, but as soon as we see how much work it is going to take we decide we don't want it anymore.Life is work! So get use to it. Don't miss your opportunity because you are to lazy to go for it!


Thought of the Day

"When waiting for old age, be sure to put away a few pleasant thoughts."

Remember the good times, the bad times, the lonely times, the loved times, the hard times, and the times you made history. As you get older you will realize that all those times made you who you are today; as well as who you are going to be.


Thought Of The Day

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!"

This is one of the many test we all go through. At one point or another someone is going to say something we don't like or do something that we don't like, but we cannot change anothers actions we can only change ours. Our actions reflect who we are. So make sure that you start this week with a positive and good attitude towards everything and everyone. Have a GREAT day!